Texas University of Theology offers academic degrees, advanced degrees, and vocational training programs intended to prepare students for professional service in Christian Ministry and Community Service. We have created a complete curriculum for local churches to use in preparing the men and women today for effective service, under pastoral authority and professional mentorship. TXUT is committed to high academic achievement and excellence in every aspect of its ministry and education. With that in mind, we have established outstanding programs to develop Christian leaders for effective service.
Requirements for Certificate of Biblical Studies (Year 1):
Requirements for Associate of Arts in Theological Studies (Year 2):
Requirements for Ministerial Diploma (Year 3):
The Bachelor of Arts in Theology degree focuses on historical, systematic, and biblical theology. The program is designed to provide a theological foundation for ministerial service. Most students transfer in from the three-year Ministerial Diploma program, but if you’ve earned 90 credits in ministry, theology, Bible, or the humanities from another recognized college or University, you should be able to transfer into the Bachelor’s degree completion program. This program is offered in English and Spanish.
Requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Theology (Year 4):
Degree Emphasis Options
The Master of Arts in Theology degree focuses on historical, systematic, and biblical theology. The program is designed to provide a theological foundation for ministerial service.
Requirements for Master of Arts in Theology (Year 5):
Degree Emphasis Options
The Doctor of Ministry in Theological Studies degree program is designed to serve the need of ministers for an experience of continuing education, which renews the personal life of faith, further develops professional competence, and stimulates continued growth in biblical and theological foundations for ministry. The purpose of this degree program is to equip the student for a higher level of competence in the practice of ministry.
Requirements for Doctor of Ministry in Theological Studies (D. Min.):
Degree Emphasis Options
The Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies degree program is designed to serve the need of ministers for an experience of continuing education, which renews the personal life of faith, further develops professional competence, and stimulates continued growth in biblical and theological foundations for ministry. The purpose of this degree program is to equip the student for a higher level of competence in the practice of ministry.
Requirements for Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies (Ph.D):
Degree Emphasis Options
The Christian Counseling Program is designed to prepare students for the specialized ministry of counseling within the context of the local church, para-church ministries, church related agencies, and other religious settings.
Chistian Counseling Program Requierements:
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